Sunday, September 19, 2010

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

I spent time taking a quick look at most of the blogs on the list.  The first thing I noticed was that some blogs were definitely updated on a regular basis and some had irregular posts. But overall, there didn't seem to be a lot of comments regarding the posts. 
The blog site that I like the most is 'Cool Cat Teacher'.  It seems to be the most frequently updated and touches on a variety of topics.  The last three posts on this blog range from Steve Jobs 2005 commencement address to Stanford University, to a double amputee competing in an Iron Man competition, to the issue of how some schools limit what you have access to on the Internet while at school.
All of the posts are interesting in their own way and can be linked to some challenge teachers face in the classroom setting.  I was interested in the limitations imposed on Internet access within the schools.  The author explains that the Internet should be treated as a library for the modern teacher.  She asks why would we put limits on 'library' access when it gives us the ability to get lesson plan ideas, video for lessons, live-event coverage and generally is like a never ending encyclopedia of teaching/learning materials. 
As is the case with most institutions in the world, schools face budgetary constraints, and that comes into play as far as paying for bandwidth and how much you can get out of the Internet at school.  However, although it seems like the education system is slow in evolving, the next wave of educators or administrators will be more comfortable with technology in general and be aware of how useful an aid it can be in the classroom.  While still keeping budgets in mind, I think that embracing technology and making it more available to teachers and students, will prove to be more efficient in the long run.
Overall, I'm looking forward to following the 'Cool Cat' to see what issues are brought up next.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are going back to Vicki Davis' blog! I like to follow it too - she is involved in lots of interesting projects.
