Sunday, September 19, 2010

Target of Focus

My target of focus for this semester will be 'World Languages grades 9-12' with an emphasis on Culture.  The content standard of culture requires students to identify and gain an understanding of perspectives common within that culture, traditions, patterns of behavior and products associated with the culture being studied.
I think culture is a topic of study that lends itself to various styles of learning.  Traditions for example, can take the form of food, music, styles of dress or dance.  Using music as a more specific example, and world language lessons focusing on traditions, it would be easy to incorporate activities using music as a way to expand vocabulary outside of the traditional lists of words to memorize.  Depending on the music being used, folk, current top 40 etc... we can then use the ideas brought up by the lyrics in those songs to expand the discussion.  While some folk songs give an insight to older perspectives or beliefs shared by a particular group, incorporating some modern music might also bring to light a more current representation of what the sentiment of the younger generation is. 
I feel like introducing a topic that might be a little dry to the average student in a new and vibrant way, might result in the student taking a genuine interest in the topic.  As an auditory learner, I think activities using music to learn vocabulary and even touch on beliefs or social issues would be a welcomed change versus being sent home with pages to read.  Even if their initial point of interest was due to the method being used and not necessarily the subject matter, they might retain more because of their personal interest in the new approach.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I agree, the mulitmedia capabilities of technology are very well-suited to both the language classroom and the topic of culture. I look forward to seeing your projects!
