Thursday, September 16, 2010

Teddy Bears Go Blogging

The article 'Teddy Bears Go Blogging' highlighted a great use of technology in the classroom.  Using the Internet and more specifically, blogging, is a way to introduce technology to young students.  Technology changes so frequently and rapidly,  it is important for young learners to become comfortable with that type of learning environment from the beginning, since it will become a main point of focus in their education as well as in most of their professional careers. The 'Teddy Bear' example was a highly interactive way to teach some aspects of technology while making it fun for the students.  Along with the initial steps of setting up the blog, signing-in, passwords, posting etc... the issue of Internet safety ties in easily to those lessons as well, and since this article referenced 2nd graders, the safety issue was very important.  The ability to use text, pictures, and audio recorded messages as posts, opens this activity to a wide range of students with different abilities, which makes this activity even more useful.  I liked the fact that the students were so engaged in this activity that they kept it going after the school year was finished, how often does that happen?  I also was impressed on how the parents and relatives became involved with the blog, not only giving the students more practice at the lesson, but also providing some extra interaction at home.
The other point I really found useful in this activity was that it was an exchange with a different country.  Just being able to communicate with peers from other countries can help increase children's awareness that there is more out there than what they see everyday at home.  Along these lines, I feel like this blog activity can be changed and structured to be used in various classroom scenarios or lessons: language learning, cultural lessons, geographical lessons, ESL, etc...
Technology plays a major role in our everyday lives.  The children beginning school today should be exposed to educational technology as soon as possible so they can make it work for them and not feel the need to throw their laptop out of a 3rd floor I feel quite often...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I hope you will not want to throw your laptop out the window anymore! I agree with you, this type of activity is well-suited to teaching language, and what a great way to connect classrooms!
