Monday, October 18, 2010

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

The most recent post on the 'Cool Cat' blog is about an honoree at the ATEM awards banquet (Maine association for computer and technology educators).  His name is Bob Asselin.  In general it's always good to read about the people who make the most out of any opportunity and go beyond the norm's of just doing an good job.  Those people that are so involved in their field that they are at the forefront of new technologies, methods, and constantly updating their ways of thinking to get the most out of the resources they have available to them.  The teacher in this posting, Mr. Asselin is described as someone who approaches his work with kid-like enthusiasm.  That type of interest can only be a positive influence on his co-workers and students.  If a student is being introduced to a new topic without any prior knowledge of it and it is presented in an engaging way by an excited teacher, then I think there is more of a chance for that student to develop a genuine interest in the topic.  It doesn't mean that every student will develop the same desire to learn more about a topic, but I do think that type of enthusiasm will influence the students to research the topic further than they would have with a less enthusiastic presentation.  It's also refreshing to see how this teacher is an older person but has taken the time to learn and keep learning about new technologies that can help educators.  I think that teachers need to keep up with these new technologies for a couple of reasons.  Obviously they can be used as an aid in the classroom.  I also think that being exposed to what new types of technology the students have at their disposal can help a teacher be more aware of what types of media are keeping their students' attention, which is a huge benefit in the classroom.


  1. Thank you for writing about my blog and also about Bob the honoree in this post. He was so inspirational to me! That was my keynote for the conference! Thank you for sharing and writing and keep it going!

  2. Wow, a post from the blogger herself! That's great!
