Monday, October 25, 2010


I came into this course without any previous experience using the software that has been presented so far.  The blog exercise and being introduced to some of the education blogs has been interesting.  I think that Vicki Davis is someone I will continue to read after this course is finished.  The 'Teddy Bear' idea is a great lesson in cultural understanding and I think it would go over well in ESL or World Languages classes. Maintaining the blog itself  has been easy enough. 
With photo shop, I enjoyed learning the different uses it could have in the classroom and as part of a lesson.  I admit to being SO frustrated at times while trying to use the different tools.  For my picture, I kept it pretty simple but I would like to be able to get more comfortable with it.  Storyboard is a great software.  I found it very easy to use, simple to figure out on your own and definitely applicable in the classroom at almost any level. As for the articles and readings, I had not been exposed to the ideas of  Inquiry Based Learning etc... so it was interesting to read about different methods or approaches that I didn't have exposure to in my academic experiences.The website is still a work in progress so we'll see how what frustration level that brings me.
Overall, the introductions to the software have been totally new for me and it's been a good learning experience.  I definitely feel like I am behind in knowing about some of the other educational software like smart board and PowerPoint, so I am looking forward to learning more about those tools.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your feedback - I'm glad you're finding the material interesting and hopefully accessible enough. If you ever need a little extra help with anything, don't forget you always have lab hours available to you.
