Monday, October 18, 2010

Cool Cat Teacher Blog

In reference to what we spoke about in class last week regarding Facebook pictures.  There was a blog post that talked about how FB keeps 'deleted' pictures for up to 30 months after the user thinks they have been deleted.  The post explains that we expect kids to make mistakes as they  are growing up and learning to be more socially aware of their actions, it's a part of the educational process.  However, the damage that can be done by making these mistakes in an online setting are more far reaching and long lasting than what might be a schoolyard incident that can be dealt with within the school and moved on from.  The post talks about how some 'online indescretions' can impact a persons marketability in the work place or even hurt their chances of getting into some schools or universities.  It's very easy for kids to find trouble online these days and the consequences of some of these actions should be a topic of discussion in class to help prevent some of these damaging effects.

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